In order to ensure progress to expand OSS countries for airmail, 27-10 am, the members of the committee to implement the project under the General Administration of Customs, Customs Department held a meeting in Hanoi table with representatives of the airline.
At the meeting, The Deputy Director of Information Technology and Statistics of Customs (Customs Department) Nguyen Tran performance has information to the airline plans to deploy OSS air. This is the general policy of the government to continue the reform of administrative procedures, improve national competitiveness. General Administration of Customs (Ministry of Finance) permanent organ of the National Steering Committee in implementing national OSS and OSS is the first ASEAN new system deployment, reception from the airline under the provisions of the legislation.
According to Nguyen Tran Hieu, deploying OSS airway will overcome the current shortcomings to provide information about passengers before flight cargo airlines management agency. Instead of providing on paper and must be sent to several state management agencies at the airport, when implemented on OSS, the airline implemented declarations electronically and sent to a place; This information will then be shared to the management body. The declaration and the receipt and processing of information on national OSS will provide us an efficient chain management and facilitate the circulation of goods and passengers by air.
In addition, the deployment of OSS air will also unify documents, records that the airlines are responsible for providing the customs authorities. By now, the airline has only partially implemented the current regulations on the provision of pre-flight information. Mainly carried out under the Decree 27/2011 / ND-CP on supply, mining, processing and use of information about passengers before entering Vietnam by air (about vehicles and passengers ). Meanwhile, in Article 61 of Decree 08/2015 / ND-CP providing detailed regulations and measures to implement the Customs Law regarding customs procedures, inspection and supervision, customs control regulations for airlines are responsible for providing the customs authorities the records as follows:
Declaration of goods exported and imported by air in the case of aircraft cargo exports and imports;
Lading information about secondary in the case of aircraft imported cargo;
List of passengers in case of passenger transport aircraft;
The list of crew and staff working on the aircraft;
Manifests of checked baggage in the case of passenger transport aircraft.
At the meeting, representatives from Department of Information Technology and Customs Statistics presented to the airline model, plans to deploy OSS air.
Airline representatives have said that the implementation of the policy of the Government will create favorable conditions for airlines, reducing the supply of the same flight information for too much state management agencies at the airport .
Besides, the parties also give an opinion on the roadmap to deploy, how to coordinate with customs authorities in developing information systems to meet the regulations on connection, the exchange of information with the Customs in accordance with law to meet the progress of the official national OSS air for all airlines from 1-3-2017.